how to flower arrange


How to make people smile!

What you will need.

Two bunches of flowers.  
These were $5 each,
 one sleeve of green and one sleeve of white flowers 
in honor of 
St. Patty's Day.

Grab a vessel.
This small square shape is a great choice,
and costs less than $5.
Find a similar vase at Michael's or Walmart.

   A soup can (think Andy Warhol),
 a naked soup can,
a mason jar, 
 a jelly jar from Trader Joe's
will also work.

All of these
 small containers
 easy to transport.

In this case,
 you want to go for
 a tight, low arrangement. 
It is all in the container, no skill required.

Hold the flower next to the vase
 decide on how short to cut the stem.

Cut the stem on an angle to increase the surface area,
 which will allow more water uptake.

Fill the container with the bigger white flowers
 then stick in 5-7 of the green button flowers.

Send this to your child's teacher on  St. Patty's day
(the teacher's pet)
 place it on a coffee table
 for a little
 nod to the Irish.

You have all of these flowers leftover for more gifts!

Pick up a coffee cup at a consignment shop
 pick up a large latte cup at Anthropologie and fill it with flowers!

Take a vase,
 cup of flowers
 literally just one flower in a vase
 to someone who is under the weather,
 to that friend who listened until you chewed her ear off,
 to the neighbor that you haven't spoken to all winter,
to anyone who needs a smile!

It is a win-win!

You will get
 worth more than a

pot of gold!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Get going.

Life is short,
 be the light
 make someone

